Jaafar ibn Abu Talib (radiAllahu anhu)

Those companions in Jannah, much more than ten
So let me tell you a story about this leader of men
Most helpful to the needy, father of the poor
His life an example of what to strive for

This cousin of the Prophet , an early convert
Even in adversity he would refuse to revert
Oppression built and what followed so soon
To Abyssinia as head of the Muhajiroon

Met with adversity to win Najashi's heart
The leaders of Quraish, playing an evil part
But he won the king over whilst reciting Quran
His eloquence putting a tear in the eye of every man

Not available for Badr or Uhud, but still so keen to fight
He got his chance at Mutah, against the Roman might
Lost both his arms and martyred, so the poet sings
Known forever after as the One with Two Wings


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