Commentary on Sahaba Poem No4 - Ali ibn Abu Talib رضي الله عنه


This is a poem in a slightly different format to the others I've done so far. It is in the format of being addressed to the prophet, as is a common style in poetry.

He was Harun 'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him)to your Musa'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him) 
Your brother & your son (1)  Just before Tabuk it was decided Ali  raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) would be left behind. Ali, not being happy said that he didn't want to left behind with the women and the children. The Prophet  replied, “Are you not pleased in the same position for me as Aaron was to Moses? But there is no prophet after me.” Now this a statement used by the Rafidi to proclaim that this means Ali is an imam (a made up title/job role which gives him status equal or greater than the prophets). As we know Moses & Aaron were brothers, close in age and Moses specifically asked Allah to assist him with Aaron as a helper. Ali was a helper to the prophet. They were also, both raised by the same man. Abu Talib, the father of Ali also raised The Prophet  from the age of 8, once his mother Aminah & his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died. Also, Ali was raised by the prophet , similar to an adoptive son. To even strengthen this bond, Ali was married to the daughter (FatimaraḍyAllāhu 'anha (may Allāh be pleased with her)) of the prophet. So we can see here that Ali had a unique relationship with the prophet , having been at one point like an actual brother, and at another point been like an actual son.

Abu Turab was his kunya 
The joke you made so fun (2) - On one occasion, Ali and Fatima had a disagreement with each other which had culminated in Ali leaving the house of Fatima & sleeping in the masjid. Whilst sleeping in the masjid his clothes became dusty, so the prophet  started wiping the dust off his back and said twice "Get up! O Abu Turab (O man/father of dust). He also had the kunya Abu Hasan, but there was no nickname more beloved to him than this shared joke between him and his beloved cousin Muhammad 

If not the greatest scholar - One of the memorisers & writers of the Quran, narrator of numerous ahadith & a wealth of knowledge. He is one of the main reasons that the city of Kufa gave us such great scholars such as Abu Hanifa, Abdullah ibn Mubarak and Sufyan al Thawri  raḥimahum Allāh (may Allāh have mercy upon them). In a hadith the prophet  says, "I am the city of knowledge & Ali is its gate. (3) 

Then surely with his sword - I actually initially had this line as 'your sword' as it is widely reported that the famous sword of the prophet  'dhu'l-fiqaar' was given to Ali during one of the battles. But upon research, I could not find any authentic evidence that this sword was ever given to Ali. The sword itself is real (4) though. If i am wrong and there is some authentic sources linking Ali to the sword Dhul Fiqaar then please let me know. Unfortunately this seems to be a common occurrence with regards to Ali, the sect that proclaims to love him have spread so many false narrations that it has become difficult to discern the truth.

There was no finer warrior Ali first distinguished himself as a warrior in 624, at the battle of Badr. He defeated the Umayyad champion Walid ibn Utba as well as many other Meccan soldiers. His art of battle was so brilliant that in the battle, there were 70 Mushrikeen, almost half of them were killed by Ali, another narration says he killed 20 people. (5)

During the battle of Khandaq, Ali (in a duel) killed Amr ibn Abd Wudd, a seasoned warrior covered in Armor. Its quite a long story that I have shortened here but it's worth reading more about.(6)

So loved by the Lord - Amongst the ten promised paradise, the husband to one of the most pious women ever, raised by the prophet , caliph of Islam, father to the leaders of the youth of Jannah. 
The prophet  also said  in the battle of Khaibar that he will certainly give the standard (banner of war) to a man whom Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) and His Messenger  love, and it was Ali that was given the standard. (7)

He gave you two more boys - There is no doubt about how much love the prophet  had for Hasan  raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) & Hussain raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him), I hope to have poems about these two later on in 2021 so I won't talk too much about them here, however there is a plethora of ahadith about how much love there was between the prophet  & his grandsons, but suffice it here to say that the prophet  viewed these young boys as his own sons. (8)

Called Hasan & Hussain raḍyAllāhu 'anhum (may Allāh be pleased with them) - these names were actually specifically chosen by the prophet  and unfortunately they are names rarely used by Sunnis these days due to the Rafidi attempting to claim these pious individuals. we need to reclaim these names, as these two great men are ours. (9)

They brought you so much joy 
And helped take away the painthe prophet  was in his late 50s and early 60s when he was
amongst Hasan & Hussein, they used to climb on his back and play on him whilst he was
praying, he would stay 
in prostration for longer just to let them have more fun. (10) It is an
observable fact of life that 
grandparents seem to get a boost of energy, or a new lease of life
around grandchildren and by reading 
some of these stories you can see that it's the same for
the prophet
  with his grandchildren.
The leader of the Muslims - He would occasionally be in charge of a few armies at the time of the
 , and then obviously after the death of Uthman he became (somewhat reluctantly) the 
fourth caliph of Islam. A rocky rule that lasted for 5 years
But what a time of strife - I don't think there's many sane people who would've envied his position
in these tough 5 years, the time of the first fitnah, the first civil war in Islam, with companions
fighting each other on both sides. Such a tragic time, and at the same time he had to govern
a land mass that spread over 7000km
The Kharijites did kill him - After his battle with Muawiyah raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) & the Syrians, the Kharijites
planned an assassination of him, Muawiyah & Amr ibn Al-Aas  raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him). Amr avoided his would
be assassin by chance, Muawiyah was only slightly injured by his assassin but the 
assassin of Ali managed to strike Ali in the masjid of Kufa at the time of Fajr.
Cowards used a poison knife - the sword (I used the word knife to make things rhyme) used
to kill Ali had poison applied to it beforehand. The initial strike had not actually killed Ali but
after two days the poison did its job and Ali ibn Abu Talib passed away at the age of 62 or 63.
I call the perpetrator a coward because he attacked Ali whilst defenceless as they knew they
didn't stand a chance against this warrior of Islam. It is also said that poison is a woman's 
weapon of choice, which further exemplifies the cowardice on display.

Final thoughts - As I've alluded to a few times here, it appears to me that the Muslims of Ahlus
Sunnah wal Jamah are somewhat uneducated when it comes to Ali (and his progeny), for 
reasons that are understandable yes, but this is not acceptable. He is our scholar, our warrior,
our imam. The Rafidi slander him and do to him what Christians did to Jesus 
'alayhi'l-salām (peace be upon him)we need to study
his life, reclaim him, talk about him and make sure people know the truth about him.


(1) Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4154, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2404, Sealed nectar

(2) sahih bukhari 3703

(3)Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim, Suyuti (This hadith seems to be a source of contention amongst scholars, ibn taymiyyah & others were of the opinion it was weak or potentially fabricated, whereas Suyuti declares it as Hasan, Tabarani was also in favour of it.)

(4) Tirmidhi 1561, ibn Majah 2808, also there's this phrase from Hajj Gibril Haddad - 'There is no mention of it ever belonging to `Ali b. Abi Talib (Allah be well-pleased with him) in the sources. Allah knows best.'

(5) Al Seerah of Ibn Hisham, Al Seerah Al Nabaweyah (Biography of the Prophet), Published by Mustafa Al Babi Al Halabi, Egypt, 1955 A.D, Part 2 page. 708-713

(6)  Al-Baihaqi in Ad-Dala'il (3/438-439), as quoted in Bidayah Wan Nihayah (Vol 4. pg. 106)] 

(7) Muslim 5919

(8) Tiridhi 3774, 3775

(9)  Ahmed (769), and the text wording is his, Malik (660), Ibn Hibban (6958), al Hakim (4773), who said: Its attribution is right and az-Zahabi agreed with him, and al Bukhari in his al Adab al Mufrad (The Book of Manners) (823) and Shu'ayb al Arna'out said: Its attribution is good

(10) Nasaa'i, Ibn Asaakir and Haakim. Ibn Khuzaimah and Baihaqi

(11) Al-Tabari Vol 16-17


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