A demotivated day

 I woke up this morning, devoid of any life
Rising to pray Fajr, a monumental strife
The cold, ablution water pierces deep into my skin
Such an awful state, it feels that I'm in

I had planned some exercise, I was going for a run
But when I look outside my window, it doesn't seem such fun
So I arranged to read some Qur'an, but I think I've caught a cold
I've got a banging headache, maybe I'm getting old

Sitting on my sofa, I start scrolling through my twitter
Three hours later, now I'm feeling worse and bitter
I need to be productive, I hate wasting time
Though all I seem to do is complain, moan and whine

I've been here for hours, doing nothing, am I sane?
Without a legit reason to be feeling so much pain
I need to do something, I must find a way!
Then I look at my watch & I've wasted a whole day


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