Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas (radiAllahu anhu)

A maternal cousin, of our beloved prophet ﷺ
To tell his story in a poem, such a tight fit
Of all the Sahaba, he is the one for me
That I see in myself, may Allah make it be

One of the first converts, he was seventeen
His mother made it tough, for she wasn't keen
He refused to give up, and things got so tense
Until finally his resolve, made her see sense

In Makkah, he was the first to fight & draw blood
Against the mushriks, when they were upto no good
Alongside the Prophet ﷺ, in Uhud he stood true
'May My mother & father be sacrificed for you'

A leader in war, the Persians at loss
If he made dua, always accepted it was
Founded & governed Kufa in the years to come
Of the Ten Promised Jannah, he was the last to be done


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