The day that changed my world

I asked for a sign, then had an epiphany
Why did this have to happen to me
And now what am I, supposed  to do?
Now that my faith, has come out of the blue

I don't want to, but I can't ignore it
My mind is made up, I'm not one to quit
But now there's so much I need to address
My life for a while is sure to be a mess

My dad never have the chance, to take me for a beer
The prohibition of alcohol, obviously so clear
My mum reflects on our ancestors, they couldn't be wrong
Always to their religion, we should try to belong

Since that day, lost much family and friends
Some never wanting, to ever make amends
But as I reflect, what a game I played
By far the best decision I've ever made


  1. Masha’Allah what a nice poem. Don’t worry in this case you are similar to sahaba. May Allah guide your relatives and friends to Islam. Regards from Iraq.


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