Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (radiAllahu anhu)

Amidst such people, known as the custodian
Of the Prophet , an ever-present guardian
Known to be courteous, humble and shy
But if you get in his way, prepare to die

As his father found out on the day of Badr
Tried to avoid it, but you can't avoid Qadr
Sacrificed two teeth to help the Prophet 
The chain links so deep, so hard he bit

Abu Bakr trusted him with the caliphate
So highly his character, the people did rate
Umar on his deathbed wanted him as the third
And no-one around could've said a bad word

Leader of the armies of Syria, Governor of the Levant
During the great famine, 4000 camels of food he sent
The liberator of Jerusalem, during the plague, met his end
His likes these days, would never descend


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