Suhayl ibn Amr (radiAllahu anhu)

 Here stands an example of foe becoming friend
So close at Badr to meeting his end
Pull the teeth from this Orator & Poet
But our beloved Prophet ﷺ wouldn't allow it

Ransomed & set free, back to his city
But still with the Muslims, he showed no pity
At Hudaybiyyah he was sent to negotiate
To put Makkah on top he wouldn't hesitate

With the rules in place, he thought he'd won
He even managed to drag home, his son
But before too long, the conquest would come
He gave initial resistance but he knew it was done

He converted to Islam & showed his worth
When Arabia revolted, he made Makkah still serve
During the time of Umar, he fought many a war
Caught the plague in Jerusalem, then was no more


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